Employee Award Gift Set Pen, Wireless Mouse & 8GB Flash Disk


his luxury gift set includes a branded pen, wireless mouse, and 8GB USB flash drive, all packaged in a branded box. The pen is sleek and stylish, perfect for everyday use in the office or at home. The wireless mouse is easy to use and provides a comfortable grip, making it ideal for those who work with computers frequently. The 8GB USB flash drive allows for easy and convenient storage and transfer of important documents and files. This gift set is perfect for corporate events, employee recognition, or as a special gift for clients.Businesses that can benefit from this product include corporate companies, small businesses, and entrepreneurs who want to impress clients or show appreciation for employees.


Price from $20.97 - $39.23

Pricing and Charges

5-15 business days

Production & Rush Time:
5-15 business days
Quantity Price Per Unit 20 -99 $39.23 100 -499 $37.40 500 + $35.93

Price Includes: Logo on box

45 business days

Production & Rush Time:
45 business days
Quantity Price Per Unit 20 -99 $24.27 100 -499 $22.44 500 + $20.97